Dietary fibers are the key elements removed from carbohydrates to refine them. Vitamins and minerals are often lost in the refining process. It is easy to discard fibers from grains and other food products on the mistaken assumption that they have no nutritional value. This removal of fiber is a costly mistake and there is a rising support for the contention that dietary fiber is the foundation of a healthy diet.
Mechanisms by which Refined Carbohydrates Produce Chronic Diseases
Refined carbohydrates lay the foundation for chronic diseases by impairment of the body's energy management. This impairment may be reflected by an increase in body fat. Refined carbohydrates generally have high glycemic indices and they can rapidly raise the plasma glucose levels. Sustained or frequent elevations in the plasma glucose level can lead to sustained elations in the plasma levels of insulin: decrease in insulin sensitivity. and increase in insulin resistance. These changes make insulin ineffective in managing the body's energy needs. Insulin's ineffectiveness in carrying out its responsibilities becomes the prelude to various chronic diseases, ranging from obesity to type 2 diabetes.
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